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Doordashing Drives Students Off Course

By Chelsea Lu Sept. 25, 2024

A growling stomach, a ticking clock and a stalling lunch bell are all shared experiences among students. For some, relief is found in winding lunch lines; for others, it is in warm, home-cooked meals. However, for a special few, it takes place form of an unlikely savior—Doordash, a popular food delivery app. Doordash is now a lifeline for many hungry and busy individuals because of its convenience. However, due to the school’s closed campus policy, Doordash remains a banned activity.

The school’s closed campus policy has been mandated for more than 30 years, primarily attributed to health and safety concerns. While some rumors have emerged, there is not an official reason for the policy, which establishes that all visitors must check in with the front office if they wish to enter campus during school hours. Furthermore, students may not leave campus for the duration of the school day unless their guardian signs them out in person at the front office. Students are also not permitted to venture into the parking lots during any breaks or lunch. In accordance with these regulations, Doordash was banned for both staff and students as Doordash drivers are considered unregistered strangers on the campus.

Many high schoolers do not prepare lunch every day, and the food provided by the school has a reputation for being unsatisfactory. Individuals who skip breakfast frequently go through the entire school day without eating. Under these circumstances, numerous students found Doordash to be the most appealing option for a quick and fulfilling lunch from one of their favorite restaurants.

Ryan Park Art

However, if an individual is caught Doordashing, their food is taken away by staff members, resulting in both wasted money and unsolved hunger. Students may also receive detention for defiance and suspension in the case of multiple offenses. To enforce these policies, school administration and staff are constantly patrolling the campus to intercept food delivery drop-offs.

“I started using Doordash as a sophomore, as I do not eat breakfast in the morning and I avoid school food, so by lunchtime I would get hungry and desire something more appetizing than the food from the lines. I was rarely caught, but for the handful of times where I was, staff members took my order to the office and I had to meet with the administration team,” Senior Charlie Smith said.

Additionally, teachers are concerned that Doordashing may perpetuate frequent unwanted distractions. Since the delivery takes time, students would typically place orders during class, with the anticipation of the food’s arrival taking away from class engagement. Some also would pick up their food during lectures, claiming that they need to use the bathroom, and then spending several minutes wandering campus to find the dasher.

“I understand where students are coming from, but taking out their phones in class to order Doordash is simply too much of an intrusion. Usually, the most important announcements, such as the due dates for homework and upcoming tests, are made at the end of class. Students cannot give full attention when their thoughts and conversations revolve around what they are having for lunch,” Lon Walton, Science Department, said.

Although many people will continue to crave a convenient delivery from their preferred eatery, the Doordash ban is unlikely to be lifted. However, there are still many alternatives for a healthy lunch. Making a simple sandwich or soup the night before does not require much time or effort, and can still be delicious. While time might be a restraint, Doordash is not the only method for students to eat a satisfying lunch.


About the Contributors

Chelsea Lu

staff writer

Chelsea Lu is a staff writer and this is her first year in Journalism. She loves hanging out with friends, building legos, and rotting in bed. She also loves writing stories.

Ryan Park


Ryan Park is an Artist for Advanced Journalism in Leland High School. He wants to be able to improve his drawing skills during his time in Journalism. He likes watching anime, hanging out with his friends, and going to the gym.

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